Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Objective: Students will review yesterday's test on Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl, by Harriet Jacobs
E2-Students will understand how multiple levels of meaning are conveyed in Jacobs' Incidents: Virtuosity and women.

Aim: There is a notion of women being virtuous in Incidents: what does it mean to be virtuous during the 18th century vs. 21st century?
To be virtuous means to stay a virgin, to be pure, chaste.

Do Now: What does it mean to be a "good girl" or "good boy" in today's society...what things are expected, what are the rules?
In today's society there are many varieties of being a "good girl" or "good boy". Depending on the area its a different type measurement scale. In some places you need a 3.5 or higher GPA to be a "good girl/boy" or just an average girl/boy. In other places you may need just passing--65 to be a "good girl/boy" to be able to say that at least he/she passed his/her classes.

Requirements: Students will take notes in their notebooks on class discussion, peers perspectives etc. Cite page numbers or chapters to support their perspectives.

Cooperative Learning: Each group will read "The Jealous Mistress." Research the meaning of virtuous (apply it to women in Jacobs' time) where in the text can you find virtuosity in both men and women and who truly possesses it?

Accomodations: Students may use dictionaries to better comprehend vocabulary. Teacher will be more than happy to re-read passage and sit with students who may need more guidance. Students may use their notes and past handouts. Lesson may contain illustrations for visual learners.

Homework: Draw a scene where a character is being virtuous.

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